
Credit Card Fee Secrets

Want to be a success in credit deals? Want to avoid financial traps and debt? For this, you should understand how your credit APR is calculated, and what fees you are charged while using your plastic. First, avoid additional fees. Today, most credit card companies that provide an option to pay the bills by phone charge a fee. The fee usually varies from $1,50 to $3,50. So, if you do not want to lose your money, avoid payments by phone. Moreover, read the terms and conditions in your credit agreement thoroughly if you are not eager to be overcharged. Take into account that some issuers are even charging their customers for reviewing their credit statements and making inquiries. Many credit card providers offer free online account access. But having taken use of this option, you may soon find out that this service is far from free and you are charged money. Be careful also with no annual fee credit card offers. Read credit applications carefully before to sign. Some dishonest creditors claim to provide a no annual fee credit card, but you will be surprised to discover that you are charged an annual fee when you get your first bill. Most credit cards provide a cash advance option. Cash advance may be of great use, but check the APR and the fee for the service. If the APR is rather high, do not use cash advance. Thus, you will avoid high charges and will save your money. Balance transfers are among the most frequent requested credit deals. Balance transfer often helps consumers to pay off debt. Learn all the terms of the deal! It often turns out that an offered balance transfer deal is not worth the candle because of a high APR and a balance transfer fee. Late payment fees and a default APR are often applied to careless cardholders. Mind, you should always be on time with your payments if you are not going to end up with deep debt. There is nothing worse than to discover that you have nothing left once your credit bills are paid. Credit limit is also of great importance. Every credit card has a limit on credit spent. So, every time you overdraw your limit, you are charged a fee. Overdraft fees can make a hole in your pocket, so do your best to avoid overdraft. You may think that every credit issuer is interested in providing credit cards with high credit limit. But you will be surprised to learn that some credit card companies literally charge their customers additional fees, just for requesting a higher credit limit on a card. Now you see, applying for a credit card you should compare credit card types (consumer, business credit cards, student plastics) and choose the one that suits your spending habits. Besides, before to apply for a card you should thoroughly read credit agreement and take into account costs, interest charges, fees, cash back, and other details. Be smarter! Pay attention to every detail in credit applications and you will avoid many credit pitfalls. Visit Megacredit.com for more information. Financial directory

Daily Share Market Tips

3sharetips.com invites you in the field of Small Value Stocks and High Returns. Our main goal is to give you high returns on your small investments. You will be able to see newsletter every Sunday by using username and password provided by us to our subscribers. If you will make payment through credit card, then you will get username and password within 24 hours, otherwise after credit of your cheque to our account. We will recommend 6 stocks every week. * Value of 3 stocks will be Rs.10 to Rs.50 * Value of 3 stocks will be Rs.50 to Rs.100 * One Multi bagger - Free. We will do a detailed analysis of every stock, which we recommend in our weekly newsletter. We suggest that you must book profits, when you are getting 20 to 25 percent return on any stock. We also suggest that you should not invest more than Rs.15,000/- in any stock, as we never encourage overtrading. Keep your profit margins as 25 to 30 percent returns with rotation of stocks as per our weekly newsletter, you will get high returns on your small investments. You must follow the principles in suggestions column too. Financial directory

What is the Best Way to Improve Credit Score?

No doubt everyone wants to get a plastic with the most attractive features and perks. It's not an easy matter to get such a card but if there is wish it can be easily fulfilled. Bad credit history is a usual thing and the reasons for it are some mistakes done by the cardholder. Still, there are some ways out and chances to improve your credit score. Cardholders should know the steps to solve this problem. If you want to apply for a credit card you have to study carefully the terms and conditions. Any wrong step in the process of owning a plastic can lead to unexpected problems. Everything depends on a cardholder and his actions. It's not so difficult to handle credit if you know how to do it wisely. When you have made up your mind to improve your credit the first thing to do is to check your credit report. Don't ignore this step as your credit report is the most significant thing in estimating your eligibility. The information kept there is of great help for lenders in making the final decision. For instance, the lower your credit score is, the higher interest rate you will be offered and the less chance in taking advantage of rewards (airmiles and cash back) you will have. The practice shows that more than one hundred million customers have some inaccuracies and errors in their credit report. Your credit score is free to go down by mistake and you should take this fact into account. You should take control of the information included in the credit report. You can lose hundreds of dollars for credit bureaus' mistakes. The major bureaus let you check the report annually and take a chance to remove the mistakes from it. If you avoid and remove the mistakes, it will be the best step in protecting yourself from debt. Take into account that any error has a destructive influence on your financial state, your low APR credit card and budget. If you are not well-informed about the legal side of your credit report, you are free to address a specialist who will help you to find out the errors that can ruin your credit score. For more information on the types of credit cards and their features you can visit creditbreak.com. Unfortunately there are too many people who don't think it important to check their credit report regularly. It's a wrong position. Don't think that it will do harm to your credit score, quite on the contrary, it's a good start to improving credit rating and getting lower rates. Financial directory

What Information Can Be Hidden in the Fine Print?

When you have decided to apply for a credit card, you pay attention and compare several credit card offers. The first thing you pay attention to is the main features of the card and its perks. It's a usual thing. If you'll make up your mind to read all the terms and conditions, it will take about a year to do this. Still if you apply for a credit card just after looking through the most attractive terms and conditions, it can cause unexpected consequences. So, when you narrowed the range of credit cards available for you, look through the terms and conditions of these cards attentively. It can prevent you from facing surprising troubles after you activate the account. There are some unexpected facts that you can learn only after you have a look at the fine print: - No grace period. Even the best credit card deals can have no grace period at all nothing to say about bad credit cards. - Balance transfer fee. This is a great option for those who want to get rid of their credit card debts. If the card you have chosen offer zero APR during the introductory period, you have a wonderful chance to pay off the debt without any interest rate. But there is one thing that not every cardholder takes into account. Practically every credit card has a balance transfer fee that is between 3% and 5%. - Interest rate rise. Your credit card company has a right to change your interest rate even if it a fixed APR. But it should notify you beforehand. So, if you read credit card statements, you will be aware of any changes of the terms and conditions. - Minimum payments. If you have a look at your credit card agreement, there you will see the amount of money you have to pay every month. Your credit lenders don't force you to make large payments, but if you make minimum payments, there are some extra fees that can be charged. - Default. When you look through the terms and conditions, you will see penalty and default fees that can be charges in certain situations. There are cases when you should be obliged to pay default fee if are late with both credit card and car or house loan payments. To get more information on every credit card and its features, you are free to visit acclaimdomains.com. So, these are some troubles you can face when you own a credit card. But if you carefully read the terms and conditions, you will be able to avoid them. Financial directory


What Exactly Is a Promissory Note?

A promissory note is a legal agreement that is a written promise to repay a debt. It will include how and when the debt will be repaid. It can be through a series of payments, upon demand, or another way both parties can agree upon. A promissory note will require the full names of the parties, the amount of the obligation, and the debtor's obligation(s). The debtor's obligation includes the terms of repayment, and an interest rate, if any. It can also include what is called an 'acceleration clause'. An acceleration clause will make the entire amount of the note due if just a single payment is late. When creating a promissory note one should always know their state's 'usury' laws. These laws define the maximum interest rate some one can charge. Most state's charge fees and fines for people who violate usury laws. Other states carry criminal penalties for violators. Also, when you?re creating a promissory note form you need to know a few legal terms. One legal term you want know is 'Promisor'. A promisor is the person who promises to repay the debt or other obligation secured by the note. Another term is 'Promisee'. A promisee is a person who is to receive payment on the debt or obligation secured by the note. Another term is 'Obligor'. An obligor is another word for 'promisor'. Yet another term you need to know is Obligee. An obligee is another word for 'promisee'. The final term you need to know is 'Consideration'. Consideration is a legal term for the value received by both parties in return for entering into the contract. So the 'mutual consideration' would be that the promisor receives the loan, and the promisee receives repayment as specified in the note. Once you've gotten those legal terms down then it should be quite easy to create your own promissory note. You can pay a print fee at your local courthouse for a copy, but for people in my state and probably most state's, it's much cheaper to just download a copy online. Disclaimer: This article has been written for information and interest purposes only. The information contained within this article is the opinion of the author only, and should not be construed as legal advice or used to make legal decisions. Consult an attorney in your area if you?re seeking legal advice. This article has been brought to you by Legal Forms Bank .Biz - legal forms and products databank. Download a copy of your state's promissory note forms, auto bill of sale forms, and other forms through our website instantly. Financial directory


How to Apply for a Credit Card Successfully? Several Helpful Tips

Nowadays credit card market is filled with a large number of credit cards to anyone's taste. So if you have made up your mind to fill out a credit card application it is possible that you face some problems in making the right choice. Do you know the way to choose the best credit card to suit your purposes, payment abilities and needs? If you don't know exactly, we will help you to make the right decision. We have chosen several questions that will be the step to a perfect credit card. All you need is to be able to answer them correctly. The most important question to answer is what for you need a plastic. Still, this question can be a bit difficult for a newcomer in the sphere of credit cards. So, we have divided this general question into 5 ones. Here they are. Do you have credit rating? If you don't have, you are free to take several options into consideration. You can choose a card with security deposit or a secured card and put a certain amount of money to open the account. That will be your credit line. Another option is to get a first time credit card that will be the first step to good credit. If you are a student who wants to build a solid credit history, obtain a student credit card. What is your credit score? It is of great importance to know your credit score before applying for a credit card. It can be learnt from your credit report that is given to you free of charge annually at every of the three main credit bureaus. You will make it easier to decide which credit card you are eligible for knowing your credit score. What are your spending habits? If you spend much time driving and spend much on your car, gasoline credit card is the ideal variant for you. You will save a lot on gas and other car related purchases. If you enjoy traveling and want to save on constant flights and hotel stays, plastics with airline miles or hotel points card offers are the best option for you. If you have a business of your own, business credit cards are for you. They let you save much on business related purchases and make your company a success. If you can't decide what you spend most of your money on, cash rebate plastic can be of great help for you to get bonuses on any purchase. Do you want to get rid of your credit card debt? This case is the one where plastics with balance transfers are of great use. You just transfer your high rate balance into another card and pay it off with low interest rate. So, these questions can help you in the process of choosing the right card. Take time and answer them to make your financial life a success. Financial directory