In XX century having debt was considered to be a sin and ruined your reputation. Traditionally people get rid of debt before the New Year comes. Nowadays everything has changed to the opposite. If you have debt and make regular payments, you are regarded as a respectful and reliable customer for most credit card companies. But the consequences of that may be disappointing ? no credit will prevent you from being approved for a credit card. To know more about the cards you are eligible for look through bestcreditoffers. Credit card issuers have a special opinion about this. They are sure that it's difficult to foresee a new consumer's behavior and be convinced that he will pay off the debt. The survey shows that the average American family has 4 or 6 credit cards. As the credit limit of the card can be rather large, most people are tempted to buy this or that thing finding themselves in debt as a result of such actions. The forms of contact between credit lenders and customer are changing with great scales. Among the best credit offers there are even cards with no annual fee and balance transfer fees and getting a plastic becomes much easier. Credit card advertisement is widely spread nowadays. There are a lot of cards that are sent by e-mail and you need only to make a phone call to activate the account. Such actions are not met with pleasure by many people to say nothing about wide advertising campaigns in college campuses. The methods of attracting young people and making them apply for a student credit card are different. As a result youngsters face debt and who knows what the consequences of that can be. But in spite of the fact that credit cards can do a lot of harm to our financial and personal life, they don't disappear. They are still considered to be very convenient and we are protected from credit fraud that undoubtedly an evident advantage. Plastics teach people to be more financially disciplined and learn money management. What's more they are the best substitute of cash. It's not surprising that credit cards are called "mall money" by most Americans. When they come to the mall having a desire to buy a pair of new jeans, they leave it with a great number of other things. They can't bear the temptation and don't think about their financial abilities. They act like that hoping that enormous bills will pass by them. But it won't happen; they will accrue like a snow ball and lead to disappointment if you won't do anything. Financial directory.
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