

Bankruptcy also known as Insolvency, Impoverishment or Economic failure. Why people become insolvent. Is it because of excessive or indiscriminate borrowing. Are needs of people are growing. Chase for easy money. Lack of proper financial planning, indiscriminate borrowings through Credit Cards etc., leads to bankruptcy. People should limit their desires according to their earnings or budget. Everybody wants to lead comfortable life. But there is a difference between comfort and lavish. Lavish spending without acquiring financial resources leads to Bankruptcy. Today's society is witnessing more and more such cases. Entry of New Financial Market players, Easy loans, Credit cards are some of the factors that are inducing people to go for borrowing. Whatever name you give for loan...whether it is a House Loan, Personal Loan, Medical Loan, Student Loan, Credit card Loan, it is after all a debt, a burden on the consumer. Lack of knowledge of credit market system and want of fast cash all are the reasons for going for loans. People go on pay EMI's and they doesn't understand the impact and the end result is Bankruptcy. If we pay minimum balance amount on our Credit Card, we feel happy and satisfied. We don't know that we are paying compound interest in this method of "Rollover Credit" system. Now, for debt help, loan consolidation, credit card help there are number of websites available on Internet. One such useful website is netdebt.com In their website there is a page for "Frequently asked Questions" I think this is helpful to understand the Consequences of a "Debt". Financial directory

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