Do you know how much you pay in interest every year? If you are like the majority of credit card users, then you don't pay attention to such issues. In accordance with the research, the average consumers with credit debt of $1,000 have to pay more than $140 a year. Are you impressed by this figure? And then imagine those people whose debt is about $10,000? How much will they have to pay in interest charges? There is no doubt that for many credit card users $1,400 a year on interests can be a large amount of money. If you are tired of credit card debt and you want to get rid of it, take advantage of 0% APR balance transfer credit cards and you will be able to solve this problem. When looking for a new plastic, the most desirable feature is low APR on purchases and on balance transfers. Zero interest rates come as an additional incentive to good credit card offers. However, cardholders getting a credit card with zero interest rate don't make the most of the introductory rates. Meantime, there are many situations when such credit cards can be rather helpful for you. It is a well-known fact that balance transfers plastics are considered to be the solution for people who struggle with credit card debts. As a rule, such cards can offer you from 6 to 12 months of interest-free period during which you will be able to pay off your credit debt and save a pretty penny in interests. So, imagine that you have got a plastic with 0% introductory rates on both balance transfers and on purchases. Having this card, you will be able to save money no matter whether you will use it for balance transfers or for purchases. Usually, credit card experts don't recommend to use balance transfer credit cards for making purchases. There are cases when customers misuse balance transfer credit cards, because they forget which plastic gives the lowest rate on purchases and use a balance transfer plastic instead. But if you have a credit card that offers 0% APR on balance transfers and on purchases, then you will be able to save money making different purchases with this plastic. In general, 0% APR balance transfer credit cards give you a chance to pay off your credit card debt faster. However, as well as other types of plastics they have some pitfalls. So, use common sense with credit cards and avoid serious financial troubles. Financial directory
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