
Credit Cards and Credit History

Getting a credit card without credit history is similar to passing exams without any kind of preparations. It can gain effect only if you are an actual student. In most cases these students get tons of specialized credit card offers. Of course, there are some ways of getting card with no previous credit history (or poor one). It will take a lot of your time and attention, but it's worthy of your efforts: 1. The first main factor is your stability. Many people change their job places frequently, getting bigger and bigger salaries, but it may look as something extremely unstable from the creditor's point of view. Even the duration of your presence at the place of residence effects on the process. 2. Besides credit card payments there are many other ways of various services, like car rent, which produce the track record of your paid billings. Thus you will get some financial reputation, because credit reports are calculated on the basis of two last years. 3. So, after these two years your payment's responsibility will be proved; that will give you initial chance to apply for a credit card. However, please take care of checking your credit reports. I hope that you know something about our three credit reporting bureaus. 4. What type of credit card should be your first one? In fact there are three of them: - Cosigned credit card. This means that you need to find somebody with proved credit score who will be ready to 'vote' for you by means of his or her consent that you are able to pay your balance. But don't forget that cosigning is a matter of great responsibility. If you fail to pay such card, then both credit histories - your own and the cosigner's one - will be damaged for a long time. - Prepaid cards. All you need is just to put some cash on the account. More cash - more options. - Secured credit cards work almost in the same manner, but with one key difference. You also need to put money into the account, but your expenditures are taken from the credited sum, not from your money. The limit of credit firmly depends on your invested sum. 5. Thus, your credit history begins to evolve from the very first credit card action. 6. Let's wait another couple of years and then banks may be ready to issue you a 'normal' unsecured card. No restrictions but your own responsibility. If you feel ready for everything this - than just do it! Credit cards have numerous reward bonuses, which make usage of credit card more profitable. Financial directory

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